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HTML Tags Elements Attributes

The Basics of HTML: What Every Beginner Should Know

The Basics of HTML: What Every Beginner Should Know | Delaware Valley Cyber Technology


This post will cover the basics of HTML, including the tags, elements, and attributes you’ll need to know to get started.


HTML is the backbone of the internet; it’s what web developers use to structure content and create websites. So understanding HTML fundamentals is critical if you’re starting with digital development! This post dives into all tags, elements, and attributes a beginner should know for successful website building – essential knowledge for every burgeoning web developer!


Tags and Elements


HTML is the web language providing structure and style for content on virtually any device. To create a webpage, you must utilize tags – these are special commands that sit inside angle brackets (), so your browser knows how to display it correctly. Some frequently used examples include: which defines information about your document, which sets up titles within pages; other important ones, such as defining various pieces like paragraphs, divisions, or headings, respectively.

Here are a few common tags and their uses:


  • <html>: This tag wraps around the entire web page and tells the browser it’s an HTML document.
  • <head>: This tag contains information about the web page, such as the title, meta tags, and links to CSS stylesheets.
  • <body>: This tag controls the main content of the web page, such as text, images, and links.
  • <p>: This tag is used to create paragraphs of text.
  • <a>: This tag makes hyperlinks to other web pages or resources.




Tags are not only the labels of content, but they have an even more vital role. Attributes provide extra detail about what is included within a tag’s label – adding valuable information that helps readers better understand your material! Here are a few common attributes and their uses:


  • id: This attribute provides a unique identifier for the element. It is often used to style the element with CSS or to create links to specific web page parts.
  • class: This attribute defines a class for the element, which can be used to apply styles to multiple elements at once.
  • href: This attribute is used with the <a> tag to define the URL of the link.
  • src: This attribute is used with the <img> tag to define the source of the image.


With HTML being the core language of web development, gaining a working knowledge of tags and elements for crafting content is essential. Therefore, a good starting point in taking those first steps towards becoming a pro at website creation is mastering the basics!



Keith Rambo


Delaware Valley Cyber Technologies, LLC.


February 23, 2023. 






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